Seasonal Self Care - Summer Edition
According to ayurveda, summer is Pitta season and characterized by increased sharpness, heat, light, mobility and oily qualities.
The days are long and bright
Temperatures rise sometimes into triple digits
The sun’s rays are sharp and intense
Many plants grow well in the summer, we can see this growth and transformation
Have you ever watched heat rise off the pavement?
Summer skin is typically more moisturized (and sweaty) than in the winter
Pitta is mostly made up of fire element which makes it very similar to Pitta dosha. Those of us with Pitta in our constitution are more likely to swing out of balance during the summer because of the Ayurvedic principle “like increases like, opposites create balance.” There is more heat in the environment, so naturally there is more heat within our mind/body system. Summer imbalances don’t just affect individuals with Pitta in their constitution, imbalances can occur in any dosha depending on your activities, lifestyle and food choices. Read more about the doshas and discover yours here.
Because the seasons shift, creating a seasonal self care plan with routines, diet and lifestyle choices will support you in balancing the energy of the season.
Before we get to the tips and tricks for Summer, here are a few pointers that will help you identify if Pitta is elevated in your system.
Skin is red, inflamed or is developing whiteheads or a rash.
You experience heartburn
You feel hangry or nauseous if you miss a meal
Bowel movements become soft, watery or loose
Difficult to cool off or stay cool
Increased frustration, anger, or irritability
Increased criticism, judgment, impatience and/or intolerance
Eyes are reddened, sensitive to light and inflamed
Increased perfectionist and controlling behaviors
Here are a few Summer Self Care options to cool and refresh:
Laugh - Make time for play and humor
Move in the morning - Exercise early (between 6-10am) and avoid strenuous exercise or outdoor activities between 10am-2pm
Switch up your yoga - Substitute Moon Salutes for Sun Salutes
Facial Spritz - refresh and cool your face throughout the day with rose water or peppermint essential oil in distilled water
Rest your eyes - Take breaks to soften your focus and gaze downward
Go for a stroll - take your time, look around with curiosity
Protect your skin - Wear sunscreen, sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat when outside and stick to the shade
Lighten up - Wear light colored clothes (even down to your undergarments)
beige, white, light blues, greens, and grey
Ditch the ice - There are 2 reasons here. First, ice stifles the digestive fire and in Ayurveda, strong, stable digestion is vital to overall health. Second, when we drink ice cold drinks, the body has to work to warm the liquid up, which can actually contribute to increasing heat in our system. Think of the HVAC in your home. When does it typically fail? Usually it fails in the heat of the summer or coldest of cold in the winter. It fails because it overheats trying to regulate the temperature of your home during extreme temperature shifts. Opt for room temperature drinks or slightly chilled
Use your sense of smell - Diffuse sweet and floral scents. I recommend jasmine, geranium, ylang ylang, sandalwood, rose and lavender.
Use your breath - Take breaks to practice these cooling techniques. Set a timer for 3 minutes, close your eyes or gaze downward and chill
Teeth sipping - Place the tip of your tongue behind your top teeth, purse your lips and inhale as if you are breathing through a straw. Feel the cool air pass across your tongue and the inner walls of the mouth. Close your mouth and exhale through your nose. Repeat
Tongue sipping - Curl your tongue (like a taco) and inhale through your mouth/extended tongue. Close your mouth and exhale through your nose. Repeat
Left nostril breathing - Close your right nostril and inhale through the left nostril. At the top of the inhale, close your left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Repeat
Eat ice cream - ideally between the hours of 10am and 2pm when digestion and heat is its strongest
Moon bathe - Spend some time outside under the light of the moon
Self massage - opt for lighter oils like coconut or sunflower, or use an herbal infusion specifically for Pitta. Copper Cup Ayurveda’s RESTORE oil is extraordinary
Stretch - Add gentle backbends and twists to your movement practice:
Cat / cow
Seated twist
Reclined twist (face up or face down)
What to eat - Veggies, fruits herbs and spices are integral to an Ayurvedic self care plan
Limit and/or avoid salty, acidic, fermented and spicy foods
Eat fruits like sweet berries, cherries, apples, red grapes, melons, coconut, dates and pears.
Eat veggies like peas, asparagus, avocado, potatoes, zucchini, kale and leafy greens, green beans, cucumber, cauliflower and okra
Season your dishes with herbs/spices like basil, cilantro, fennel, cumin, coriander, cardamom, parsley, turmeric, vanilla, and dill
Stay hydrated - sip cool (not cold) water, fruit juice and herbal tea throughout the day. Water helps contain the fire of Pitta
Go easy on intellectual stimulation - pick up some fiction and give your brain a study break, weave in some instrumental music into your podcast marathon
Get wet - soaking in a pool, lake, or even the tub can soothe the heat of Pitta
Oil your nose - Nasya is an ayurvedic practice of adding infused oil into the nose to nourish and protect the tissues, bring about clarity in the mind and senses, balance the doshas and support clear breathing. Copper Cup Ayurveda’s RESTORE line includes sandalwood which is helpful at cooling a heated mind and calming an agitated nervous system.
Mudra (hand yoga) - “Gesture of calm water”
Interlace your fingers with the right thumb on top. Extend your pinky and ring fingers and so that the palm side of the fingers touch. Rest your hands in your lap or below the navel with your forearms resting on the abdomen.
Have some chocolate - Dark chocolate has bitter and astringent flavors which balance the fire of Pitta
Wishing you’re cool as a cucumber this Pitta season!
If you aren’t sure where to begin and would like additional support, consider a Custom Seasonal Self Care plan. CLICK HERE to read more and get started.
With joy,